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SFG Hope Foundation 2022 Corporate Social Responsibility Report


[신한금융희망재단] 2022 신한사회책임보고서(eng).pdf


SFG Hope Foundation 2022 Corporate Social Responsibility Report  


It is the 2022 Shinhan Financial Group Hope Foundation Social Responsibility Report, covering the performance of Shinhan Financial Group's social contribution program, 'Hope Society Project.'


Following 2021, Shinhan continued its unique and financial business-model-based social contribution activities with the second Hope Society Project called 'Hope. Together. SFG.' This project had three main focuses: START-UP (S), FINANCIAL LITERACY (F), and GROUP OF COMMUNITY (G). A significant highlight in this report is the transformation of the SVMF (Shinhan Social Value Measurement Frame), introduced for the first time in 2020, into a more intuitive term, the 'ESG Value Index,' which measures social value in monetary terms. 

The report covers performances from Jan 1st, 2022 to Dec 31st, 2022.  


01. Foundation introduction / Direction of the project / Social Value Measurement 

02. Establishment of startup ecosystem / Support for the financially vulnerable / Win-win with local communities / Academic and cultural support 

03. 2022 Financial statements  

*For a detailed document, check out the attached file.